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Digital signage touch screen applications for perfect display purpose

- Nov 11, 2019-

With the development of information technology, digital signage has been widely used and has been widely regarded as the most effective and eye-catching means to provide information to consumers. Its advantages over traditional printed products are self-evident.

Digital displays are brighter, more attractive, reusable, more targeted, easier to update, and offer many unique marketing and advertising opportunities.

If your goal is simply to deliver a message, interactivity doesn't seem that important. In many cases, such as billboards or untouchable coaming, having touch is obviously pointless. Digital signage touch screens perfectly demonstrate their use in other ways.

In many digital signage applications, touch is desirable, and a few are even necessary. For example, any point-of-purchase or point-of-sale display should have many "start" buttons to display various promotional videos.

A growing number of retail outlets are using touch screens to offer customers a more integrated online service. As online shopping continues to grow, the big high street chains are being forced to rethink their sales strategies.

Combining the familiar "at a glance" structure of online shopping with a real-world browsing experience, stores are starting to win back sales from their online rivals.

In addition, in the case of generating sales, touch screens are used to distribute information. Other non-essential but very convenient applications will be used for information dissemination in museums and art galleries. In any given exhibition or installation, there are references or reminders to the work and the artist.