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Interactive Board's New International Policy

- Feb 10, 2023-

Recently, the United Nations (UN) has implemented a new policy regarding the use of interactive boards. The new policy requires all UN member countries to develop and implement interactive board systems in their schools.

The purpose of this policy is to create a more interactive and engaging learning environment for students. Interactive boards allow students to interact with their teacher and other students in real-time, helping to improve their understanding of the material. Additionally, interactive boards can be used to present educational content in a visually appealing way, making it easier for students to comprehend and remember the material.



The UN believes that this new policy will help to create a more equitable educational system for students around the world. By providing students with access to interactive boards, they will be able to benefit from the latest technology and gain a better understanding of the material.

The UN has also encouraged member countries to provide training and support to teachers in order to ensure that they are able to effectively use the interactive boards. This training will include topics such as how to create engaging lessons and how to best utilize the interactive board features.