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Interactive technology for digital signage highlights powerful advantages

- Nov 08, 2019-

Many digital signage network operators have this problem. How and for how long should third-party ads be placed for digital signage networks? The answer to this seemingly easy question is not really easy. Today we invite experts to discuss this problem with you.

For digital signage network operators, there are many factors to consider, such as why to introduce third-party advertising, how to implement it, how advertising will affect the rest of the network, and the purpose of installing the network in the first place. If any aspect is not considered, it may bring bad consequences.

First consider the first factor, the introduction of advertising is why. If the goal is simply to increase revenue, introduce a large percentage of advertising into the loop. The most common scenario is the elevator network, which consists mainly of news sources, web-centric dots, and a lot of advertising. In this example, the screen can be split and ads can dominate the playlist. The only factor that needs to be taken into account is how much advertisers are willing to pay for their ads. Because these networks can be displayed in crowded places, people may suffer from excessive advertising. So try bundling ads with other content to make them look more natural.

Another reality is that the network is created by the retailer or organization itself and used for self-presentation and communication purposes. Sometimes owners of these networks turn to external advertising to offset the cost of running the network. The problem in this case is that advertising must be balanced with the web having its own content. A small proportion of advertising will not generate enough revenue to balance the costs; The advertising proportion is too large, and will affect the communication between the owner and the target audience, and can not reach the original goal of the deployment network.

Therefore, the most important step in determining the proportion of advertising is to determine the minimum amount of advertising you need, and accordingly determine the approximate proportion of advertising to your own content. As a rule of thumb, three minutes of non-advertising content with one minute of advertising is a reasonable proportion.

Here are a few things to keep in mind to help:

First, make sure the content is created in a digital signage environment. For example, most networks do not have audio, so simply running radio ads may not appeal to viewers, and they must be built into digital signage patterns suitable for silent playback.

Second, when creating content or setting rules for an AD, you must ensure high resolution or quality throughout. Because the network has a high-definition screen, playing low-resolution content can be very bad.

Furthermore, the length of the AD should not exceed the main content. Few viewers stay in front of the screen for a long time, so it is necessary to express more content in a shorter time. 10 to 30 seconds is a good standard, depending on how well the message is conveyed visually. There should be no different standards between advertising and proprietary content, they are all online content and the standards should be consistent.

In the end, though, it's hard to find ads that resonate with online audiences. And try to make sure that what the audience can see is consistent with their ideas or attitudes in the network environment.

Now you know that adding advertising to digital signage networks is not as easy as many people think. You need to take into account goals, costs, impact, and many other factors. If you can effectively coordinate these elements, then you will get the most out of the advertising revenue and find the balance between advertising and autonomous content.