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The new display carrier has become the favorite of the market, and the holographic 3D screen market is maturing

- Apr 28, 2021-

Relying on the development of China's science and technology, holographic 3D screen technology has also been rapidly improved. With the popularization of the current market, it has gradually replaced the flat screen display. Compared with the flat screen, it not only has a qualitative difference in the display, but also has a significant difference in the performance and quality of the product. The holographic 3D screen is more lightweight, lower power consumption, and has more advantages in price.


As the only country with production capacity in Asia, it is also the center of the holographic 3D screen industry in the world. Relying on the development of product technology, not only the holographic 3D screen has gradually matured in our market, but also the world market has been developed.

The reason why holographic 3D screen can not get rapid development before is that the market has mature holographic technology. However, there is a separation between R & D and production. The separation of processing and processing factories can not guarantee the deep integration of holographic technology, and can not guarantee the quality, quantity and efficiency.

After solving the problems of quality and production, the display effect of holographic 3D screen becomes more realistic, and the trend of replacing flat screen display is more obvious. In addition to the global market, in the exhibition, the consumer experience and precision marketing presented through the unique naked eye 3D are also needed by the current market, perfectly becoming a product between consumers, businesses and investors. With the arrival of 5g, holographic 3D screen will also be accelerated development, market explosion has become an inevitable trend, and now is also the best time to enter the market.